Tuesday, October 11, 2011

J K Rowling / Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows

This book is about Harry’s final confrontation with
Lord Voldermort, and, in my opinion the most exciting
of all six books. Filled with adventure, Romance,
danger, and much more, this book is a much read,
especially if you have read the first six books
(Philosophers stone, Chamber of Secrets, Prisoner of
Azkaban, Goblet of Fire, Order of The Phoenix,
Half-blood prince).The book is about Harry’s final
quest to find and destroy the remaining horcruxes,
enabling him to defeat Voldermort once and for all.
This also involves the battle of Hogwarts, the
breaking in of Gringots bank, a disastrous visit to
Godrics Hollow, and many more exciting events fraught
with danger.
It is probably the best book I have ever read ,you
have to read it!
Rating: Outstanding

Lea Adamson

1 comment:

Anushay, U3 said...

Ah, yes....a classic. I love all the Harry Potters.